Sanggom Sagu Fola-A Manipuri Sweet Delicacy

Sanggom-Sagu Fola

It’s our 102nd FoodieMonday Bloghop event, based on the theme decided by my dear friend and fellow Bloghopper Preethi Prasad #FirelessCooking, I’m back this week with yet another traditional recipe(with some tweaks) apt for Preethi’s event, Manipuri Sanggom Sagu Fola.

Fola as the name goes is traditionally a sanggom aphamba/yogurt & sanggom/milk based no cooking sweet delicacy which has chengpaak/flattened rice, kabok aphaba/popped rice(khoi in Bengali), chini angangba/jaggery quite similar to the traditional Bengali Doodhikarma served during special ceremonies as prasadam or naivedyam or even relished as a healthy breakfast bowl with addition of seasonal fruits along with kabok muri/puffed rice instead of popped rice.

As the auspicious month of Shravan has started since 23.07.17 in the Western and Southern region of India, my Shravan Monday fast with a bowlful of freshly prepped Sanggom Sagu Fola past midnoon has begun.

Sanggom Sagu Fola

Not letting you wait any further to check out the simple ingredients and easy way of preparing this healthy bowlful of Fola. You can add in dry fruits, seasonal fruits without any artificial sweetener or sugar.

Sanggom Ga Sagu Fola

Sanggom Sagu Fola

Servings: 2


1/3 cup (80ml) small Sago Pearls, pre-soaked overnight in water

1 cup (200ml) unboiled or toned Cow’s Milk

7-8 ripe Dates, seeded or best seedless, sweet ones

2 ripe Banana, cut into slices

3 Tbsp fresh Coconut, grated or chopped

A tiny pinch of edible Camphor/Karpooram (optional)

A pinch of green Cardamom powder for garnishing


1.Assemble all the dry ingredients except for the edible camphor, milk and cardamom powder in a pasta or an ordinary bowl and mix them.

2.Pour in the milk slowly and mix in gently. (Best mix with bare hands to a poriddge consistency to enjoy the Fola as it should be

3.Add in the camphor and fold in.

4.Sprinkle the cardamom powder. Mix and enjoy this tasty Sanggom Sagu Fola.

Note: Add in yogurt/sanggom aphamba if you want to enjoy it the traditional way along with some grated or powdered jaggery/chini anganba. Few drops of pure ghee/clarified butter will make it taste divine!

Sending across this simple yet flavourful Sanggom Sagu Fola for the FoodieMonday event. Welcoming our new member Sasmita on-board.

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24 thoughts on “Sanggom Sagu Fola-A Manipuri Sweet Delicacy

  1. Awesome share Pushpita ! Your blog is a treasure house of traditional recipes..great opportunity to explore new cuisines 😃

    Liked by 1 person

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