Pide Ile Et-Turkish Pide with Minced Meat

Pide with meat or Pide Ile Et, a pizza with minced meat for a Turkish flavour. A healthy and simple flat bread with flavours of Middle Eastern food sans tomato sauce, basil and even mozzarella cheese. My interest in the Turkish Pide grew when I came across the series "Turkish Delight with Allegra McEvedy." A… Continue reading Pide Ile Et-Turkish Pide with Minced Meat


Turkish Ayran With Mint-A Cooling Yogurt Drink

  Yogurt has been an essential part of the Turkish cuisine. Be it a side dish, plain yogurt, sweets or the popular Turkish drink Ayran, it is a crucial part of the Turkish table. Yogurt a word itself with Turkish origin, it is believed that the Turks were the first to make yogurt about thousand of… Continue reading Turkish Ayran With Mint-A Cooling Yogurt Drink