Eggless And Flourless Banana Oatmeal Choco Chip Cookies

Oatmeal or anything with oatmeal isn’t on my picky eating son’s favourite list. So making him eat Cookies with Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip in them, seemed nightmarish for me to even think. Traditional chocolate chip cookies are preferred and appreciated by him instead.

Cookies  4 

Back with another bake recipe of mine after a week. I have been on a baking spree since last Friday. Never thought that my oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with banana will be a loved by my 9 year old picky eater and his friends as well.

These eggless banana oats chocolate chip cookies are full of the goodness of both bananas and oatmeal. Eggless, flourless and a sugar-free recipe too.

Cookies 1

Chocolate chips can make anything taste better be it cakes or cookies. These fudgy cookies with banana are soft with a lovely chocolaty flavour from the chips and taste of the added oatmeal.

The correct amount of oats and bananas with some chocolate chips made them perfectly soft and chewy.

I made them thick and large, so that one or two cookies along with a glass of milk or some fruits can keep my hyperactive son filling for a longer time. 🙂

Cookies 3

Eggless and Flourless Banana Oatmeal Choco Chip Cookies

Yields 14 Large Cookies

Total Time: 10 mins preparing+ 25 mins cooking


2 1/3 cups (560g) Quick Oats

1/2 cup Melted Butter

1/4 cup Honey (or maple syrup)

3 Large Ripe Bananas, mashed

1/2 (120g) semi-sweet or dark Chocolate chips


1.Preheat the oven to 356 degree F/180 degree C. Line baking sheets with aluminium foil or parchment paper. Set aside (I have lined two baking sheets since my oven is 28 liter)

2. Put all the ingredients in a large bowl. Using a spatula or spoon, combine and mix the ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed. The cookie mixture will be thick and sticky.

3. With a wooden spoon or any big spoon scoop out about 2 tbsp each of the mixture and drop on the baking sheet. Slightly flatten the mixture into the desired thickness with an inch distance between each cookies. Remember the cookies will not spread while getting baked.

4. Sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of each cookie if you want before baking them. Bake for 15 mins in the pre-heated oven until the edges are slightly brown, rotate the sheet half way through. Do not bake further after that.

(I have baked in two batches as such I reduced the baking time for the second batch to 10 mins, after 8 mins keep checking the cookies to avoid burning the bottom)

5.Now remove the baking sheet and let the cookies cool for 5 mins before transferring them on a cooling rack to allow them cool completely.

6. Once cool enjoy with some plain milk or flavoured milk.

Note: You can store them for a week at room temperature.

Frozen cookies can go upto 2-3 months. Thaw them overnight in the refrigerator first before enjoying them.

For our 42nd #foodiemonday #bloghop theme #kidsdelight, these Eggless and Flourless Banana Oatmeal Choco Chip Coookies will definitely be a hit snacking or breakfast idea not only with the little and young picky eater but also with the cookie lovers.

Do check out the following participating blogs for more kids friendly recipes:


19 thoughts on “Eggless And Flourless Banana Oatmeal Choco Chip Cookies

    1. Thanks Trupti! My hubby and son loved them. These are the fourth batch I have been baking since last Friday. 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m going to make these really soon. I love my cookies but haven’t baked any as I don’t want to eat all that sugar and flour. These seem like a good treat for both kids and adults to ward off untimely hunger pangs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely Di! You can use maple syrup as well intead of honey. Replace butter with peanut butter or nutella or even almond butter. Add in little bit of cinnamon powder for a different flavour.


  2. Thts a wonderful share Pushpita!!! I would love to make them very soon….Thank you for sharing and thanks for the mention dear 🙂


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