Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba


Lentils and pulses form an essential part of Manipuri cuisine. Be it daily consumption or ceremonial meals, there has to be atleast 1-2 varieties of lentil delicacies.

Soya chunks are equally relished and included in many of the Manipuri vegetarian delicacies. A curry or fried vegetarian preparation with soya chunks is enjoyed with piping hot plain rice along with a lentil curry.

Lentils as we know, are the third richest source of protein after hemp and soya beans.


Sharing a simple lentil curry recipe with fried soya chunks I have had relished at my Maternal Aunt’s place more than a decade ago.

A simple and hassle-free recipe with few ingredients, Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba.

The lentil used in this recipe is hawai musori  or masoor dal or red split lentil. This hawai thongba or lentil curry is slightly thicker like any Indian lentil curry and can be relished with rice as well as roti.

Red split lentils are the quickest to cook among all lentils. They are also rich in folate, dietary fibre, Vitamin B1 and minerals.

Below is the step by step recipe followed by an important note.


Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba


100 g Split Hawai Musori/Masoor/Red Lentil, wash and soak in water for 1 hour

50 g cup Soya Chunks, soak in hot water and squeeze out the water when they puff and become soft

1 small ripe Tomato, chopped

 1 medium Onion, finely sliced or chopped

1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

1/2 tsp whole Cumin seeds/Jeera

2 Tbsp Mustard or White oil

2 1/2 cup (300 ml or little more) Water

Salt to taste


1.Pressure cook the pre-soaked musori/red lentil by adding water, turmeric powder, salt, chopped tomatoes upto 2-3 whistles. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 10 mins.Turn off the gas.

2.In a wok or pan heat oil on medium and temper the cumin seeds. Add the sliced or chopped onions and fry till translucent.

3.Add the soya chunks, 1/3 tsp salt and fry till lightly browned.

4.Pour over the hawai/boiled lentil to this fried soya chunks and spices. Stir in well and let simmer on low for about 4-5 mins to let the flavour blend in properly.

5.Turn off the flame and remove the Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba in a serving bowl. Garnish with freshly chopped coriander or cilantro leaves. Serve hot with rice or roti.

Note: Once the pressure settle down, remove the lid of the pressure cooker and check the boiled hawai. It should have a thick creamy or puree like texture. You can add little more water if you want to before tempering.

This Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba is part of our 38th #foodiemonday #bloghop theme #DalDelights.

26 thoughts on “Hawai Musori Ga Soya Thongba

    1. Thanks dear! 💖💖 Same with me not a soya lover but this one recipe and fried soya chunks are my favourites. 😁😁


    1. Thanks Mayuri! You can try adding the fried chunks just before serving hot but. For this when you soak them in water, you can add little salt to the hot water meant for soaking the soy nuggets. That way they shouldn’ taste bland. ❤ ❤


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